Dairy Free Lattes in Seoul / Hip New Cafes In Seoul


I have developed an increasingly bad allergy to milk. Whenever I drink milk or eat something with dairy in it, I almost instantly get inflammation in my throat and start coughing… (Which is not exactly what you want to happen whilst on a coffee date ) So, I wish I could say I have completely cut dairy out of my life, however, I have drastically cut back on my dairy consumption. I no longer buy milk for my home fridge and I try as often as possible to order non dairy latte options when visiting a cafe. (My usual order being an espresso, a black americano or a latte)

There are two things that you will never have to search for in Seoul, rice and soy. However, trying to find dairy free milk options is somewhat more diffcult to naviagte. Rice is a staple in the Korean diet but rice milk has not quite caught on yet. Soy milk however is everywhere!!! Soy milk in Korean is called  ‘duyu’ (두유).

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